Empowered Leadership Transition

How This Business Improved Their Leadership Development, Effective Communication and Business Strategy Through SKYL's Practices

Leadership Development, Business Strategy and Effective Communication Case Study


The Client

Our client was a part-owner of a medium-sized business and was ready to sell her portion of the company to explore new opportunities. Despite her longing for change, she felt constrained by her concern for her business partner, clients, and the possible perceptions of her decision to leave.


The Challenge

Her transition from full-time to part-time owner necessitated hiring a professional to handle her previous responsibilities, which included employee management, running meetings, and managing the operational system. As she prepared to launch a not-for-profit organization, she struggled with prioritizing her responsibilities, having difficult conversations, and improving her public speaking skills. Balancing her time and commitments across multiple sectors was a constant challenge.


SKYL’s Strategy

Our strategy was a multi-pronged approach that took place over a year:

  1. Leadership Transition Coaching: We provided guidance to the client during her transition from a full-time role to part-time, aiding her in the hiring process of a professional to take over her responsibilities.
  2. Priority Setting: We helped the client to prioritize her tasks effectively across multiple ventures, ensuring her time was utilized effectively.
  3. Communication Skills Enhancement: We worked on enhancing her ability to have difficult conversations, which was crucial for her transition period and for her leadership in her new venture.
  4. Public Speaking Coaching: We helped the client improve her public speaking skills, which was vital for her new role as the head of a not-for-profit organization.



The client blossomed into a sought-after speaker and industry disruptor, regularly speaking on national stages before large audiences on issues of diversity and inclusion. Her impact has been significant. Our work helped her shift away from people-pleasing tendencies towards self-empowerment, which in turn allowed her to empower others. Now, she is giving back to her community without sacrificing herself in the process, epitomizing the powerful leader she has become.



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